Edward claims he travelled 3,000 years into the future and got a glimpse of the apocalypse.

The bizarre bloke, known only as Edward, insists he was sent to the future after taking part in a top-secret experiment in 2004.

He claims he defied the laws of physics and was propelled 3,000 years ahead while working in a laboratory in Los Angeles.

The self-proclaimed quantum leaper says he was given a special assignment to take photos of what life was like in the future.

Speaking to camera crews from ApexTV, the man spouted his farfetched tales of what doomsday really looks like. 

       The self-proclaimed quantum leaper says Los Angeles will be completely underwater

The so-called time-traveller warned people they should start building an ark now, because the celeb hotspot will be completely underwater. 

He said: "I will tell you a story which will amaze you and you will be astonished. I appeared to 'place'. It was unbelievable.

"I was standing on a huge wooden platform. Not only me, houses, building, of course, all made from wood.

"And after, I realised it was the same city, Los Angeles, but underwater."

Edward also claimed that he had spoken with people who live there, who informed him global warming had triggered the catastrophic flood.

He then produced a photograph showing a submerged city, declaring this will become a reality across the world in the future.